Sunday, January 03, 2010

Planning for the New Year

I like to make goals for the new year to come this time of year. But I found myself struggling this year. I often make very broad, general goals that are had to measure and accomplish. Then as I clicked open my email inbox I found the answer to my dilemma in the form of my Hearts at Home newsletter.

The writer suggests making quarterly goals instead; goals that are flexible, measurable and attainable. She suggests coming up with 10 categories that are important to us and list 3 goals under each category. If 10 is too much, then try 5 to start.

I thought this was brilliant! So I sat down with a pen and paper at first and made my list, revised it a little then came up with my final list of 30 items of things I'd like to accomplish in the first quarter.

As wonderful as it would be to accomplish all 30, we have to be realistic. There is still laundry and dishes and homework and dinner and shopping and the other endless list of things to do ON TOP of this list of goals. As of January 1 I am also a staff member for a Parish of seven churches as the Youth Coordinator. SO, if I can accomplish 80% of my list I will be happy. If I only achieve half of my goals I will celebrate that but realize that my list might need some adjustments because it might not be realistic, measurable or flexible enough.

I won't bore you with my list of 30 but rather the the focus for the year. Remembering always that, "In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps." Proverbs 16:9

Priority Statement:

To be the servant God is calling me to be, the wife my husband deserves and the mother my children need.

In 2010 I will set up quarterly goals. I will list 2-4 goals, broken into priority categories of my choice, with a total of 30 goals each quarter. Have goals and priority categories reflect those things that are most important to me within the following general goals that I like to follow for my life

In 2010 I will…

…continue to strengthen my relationship with God

…make family, friends and taking care of myself a priority

…set up an effective plan to manage my home

…continue to grow and live my ministry mission of:

teaching children/youth about God’s love for them and the awesome gift He gave us in His son Jesus Christ.
living my life as an example and response to God’s grace
To reach out to those in greater need than myself


Jill said...

Becky, I'm glad that article was helpful! It inspired me too!

Anonymous said...

HELLO???? What about lunches with your best buddy??? :)