Wednesday, August 20, 2008

I So "Escited"...

Yesterday morning at 6 a.m. I was laying in bed knowing that I needed to get up and get The Boy up and moving. I heard some noises coming from the living room and I tried to figure out which kid it was. It didn't take me long to realize the quick moving bare feet on the floor were BuhBuh's. Then a moment after that I realized what he was doing; he was cleaning up the living room!

The Daddy got up out of bed and BuhBuh came in and took The Daddy's place.

Me: Were you cleaning up the living room

: Uh-huh. I wanted to surprise you

Me: Honey, why were you cleaning?

BuhBuh: I just so 'escited' for school that I can't sleep.

Me: You know that you don't start until tomorrow right?

: Uh-huh, I just so 'escited'

I did get a little choked up yesterday as we were heading into town to do some grocery shopping. I was telling him how nice it was to go and be able to do this with him his last day before kindergarten because he has been my little shopping buddy for the past almost 6 years now! He was, as always, a good little shopper so we had a Starbucks treat afterwards. (which btw, I think they FORGOT to put the coffee in my drink as it was pink. EWWWW)

We had a chill out day yesterday after The Boy got home from school which was nice. And since we had all gotten up so early yesterday, BuhBuh fell asleep while I was reading to him...he's never done that before!! When I came back downstairs, Little Dude was also already asleep. I once again procrastinated (read as: WASTED my time playing Sims) my bedtime knowing what today was to be.

We were up bright and early again....although BuhBuh wanted to know WHY I was up in the night time. The funny thing is it was only a wee bit later than he was cleaning yesterday. As soon as he realized that TODAY was the first day, he was soooo "escited"!!

It was kind of nice having an hour between bus times. BuhBuh was all ready and there was no mad rush to get out the door. I made sure to steal some bonus hugs before he left. We went and did our normal first day of school pictures.

We looked like a mini army heading up to the bus stop: Me, The Daddy, Little Dude and Gpa B!! Bus time wasn't so bad. This was a normal routine. Everyday for the past two years BuhBuh has gotten on the same bus, with the same driver, at the same time and gone to the same school because he was in the PreK program at our elementary school. I was there, chatting with my bus stop mommy friends, watching the kids, sipping coffee. He was comfortable, he knew what to expect and he looked like a pro!!! So, to me it didn't really feel like a big change.

It will be tomorrow when it will be weird when he's not here for lunch.


Chervenka5 said...

The lunch time is weird! I realized I was "out of my groove" today when at lunch I gave my one-year-old a glass of milk. Not a sippy cup, a glass.

Your boys are adorable. I'll be asking you for advice when we hit middle school in six years! :)

Sarah said...

I love the first day of school pictures!