Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Testing on Thursday

In the two years since My Sweetie and I have been TTC, this has been the LONGEST cycle. It's the first cycle in 17 months that I've actually had some sort of a chance to conceive. It's the first time I've ovulated in that time also. I am on pins and needles right now; the anxiety is killing me. Nurse said I could test Thursday!!!! When I woke up this morning I told myself...."just two more mornings and you'll know"

I always thought that I would just "know" that I was pregnant before testing. The other times I've been pregnant I sort of already knew. But is that all in retrospect now? I don't really feel like I have any symptoms. My boobs have been a little sore and on Sunday I found myself a little more emotional than usual. All could be PMS sypmtoms as well. The only other thing is that my nose is driving me crazy!!! My last pregnancy I had nose/sinus problems for the first 4 months and it started a couple weeks prior to a positive pregnancy test. I hope it's not "just a cold". It is summertime after all.

I had a dream last night that I took a test and it was positive. Then later I had another dream that I had a little hard "bump" and could see and feel a baby moving. I never remember my dreams.

A year ago I remember a conversation with My Sweetie about how it would be really great to give him a princess in the month of April so she could have the diamond as her birth stone. Obviously April came and went and still no baby but we did mark the 2 year anniversary of TTC. This whole time I've been doing treatment this cycle I never once stopped to think about what an edd (estimated due date) would be until the other day. I typed in the information into a due date calculator on baby center and it came back April 19th 2007; Birth sone: Diamond; give or take a few days of what would be our three year anniversary since we started TTC. What a sweet way to end the journey!


Shannon said...

I am new to your blog, but I have been thinking alot about you. I first found your blog and was just pulled in because we have been trying to have a baby for 8 months (I know not as long) but it still gets you down. Then a few weeks ago I found out that we are going to have a baby and get this in APRIL! So I have been praying for you! It would be neat to have an internet friend due around the same time I am. If not thanks for your support, and I sure it will happen soon!I keep hoping and praying! I love your blog and plan to stay! I will check back Thursday!

Anonymous said...

My due date is Friday, April 13th. Friday the 13th! Can you even believe it?

Keeping my fingers crossed for you.

LaughterThoughts said...

oh, i know that anxious feeling you get with waiting for an answer... i know it can be hard to stay focused on other things. (and i'm sure me talking about how anxious it makes you doesn't make it any better, eh? so i'll stop right now!)

those very vivid dreams are strange and kinda fun, aren't they? i get really crazy dreams when my feet get hot at night.

not a dream but... one time when i was pregnant i was making a cake and i broke the egg into the bowl, and it was double yolked. i smiled and excitedly told my husband that it was a sign we were having twins! (i obviously didn't really think it was a sign... although i really did think it would be cool.) we didn't have twins. but i'm definitely happy with what we did get. :)

Mississippi Girl said...

Will be thinking about you and Praying for you tomorrow!!!!
Jennifer R.