Sunday, August 23, 2009

What a Good Sport!

A fundraiser was held yesterday for a program that benefits needy families with in our school district. My Sweetie was asked if he would be in the dunk tank. He graciously accepted.

For about 30 minutes he sat and watched as his children and even his dad threw balls trying to hit the bulls eye that would send him for a plunge.

The Boy spent some of our money, some of his grandpa's money and some of his own money trying SO hard to dunk daddy to no avail. BuhBuh however did get to send daddy into the tank thanks to how close he was able to stand and the nice lady who let him keep trying.

My Sweetie got dunked several times by others and I'm sure he got the funds for the cause we were supporting off on the right track. Scheduled for later in the day were all three school principals and the superintendent.

He kept a smile on his face the entire time and had a great time doing it.

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