Tuesday, June 01, 2010

14 Years.....

I'm not the girl that you married; and I know I'm the teenager you fell in love with.

But as I look back over these past 14 years I only hope that I have continued to grow into the wife that God wants you to have.

Despite the bumps early on, I think we have built a beautiful life together. Our boys are such a testimony of our love and faith.

I never thought I could love you more than I did 14 years ago, but I do.

Thank you for loving me for better and for worse, these past 14 years.

You are my best friend, my soul mate and the love of my life.

Happy Anniversary....I love you......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary!! Way late, I know!! We love you both!!!
--Kath and Chris. :)