Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Random Ramblings

I haven't felt very "bloggy" lately. Just haven't had a whole lot to ramble about. So here are just a few random things to report on from the Laundry Trenches.

Kids are getting into the swing of things with school. M who is in 4th grade is yet to bring any homework home. He's been able to get it done in school, which is good. We have been working nightly on spelling words which can be a struggle in itself. It's 20 words...and they aren't terribly hard. He just doesn't like to have to WORK for his grades. Math and science are easy for him....spelling and English are a little more challenging and he gets frustrated when it takes a little extra work. Soccer has also started....practices right now and games start next Thursday. I can hardly imagine that he's going to be 10 in a couple of months. He's already sporting that pre-teen attitude and disrespect lately. Which I'm sure is just a phase but I'm really starting to feel grouchy for having to correct him ALL OF THE TIME!

L really seems to be enjoying preK. He gets off the bus each day at noon and I ask him if he had a good day. He says, "Yeah, I want to go back there again!" So cute! I'm already beginning to notice him using some of what he's learned at home. They've been talking about good and bad social skills, how to be awesome cleaners and their teacher taught them some sign language today! In church he's actually been PARTICIPATING in the singing!!! He NEVER did that before! The preK teachers were a little worried about him because when we were in for his screening last spring he showed some separation anxiety problems. But he's been doing great! He has his first field trip next week. It should be exciting!!!

The peanut must be doing well because I'm still battling the woozies and the sleepies. But it's all good!!! Tomorrow we have another u/s with the nurse at the RE's office then we jaunt over to my OB's office and visit with my midwife's nurse! I keep thinking that this will be our last Halloween as a family of 4....our last Thanksgiving, our last Mother's Day we'll take the annual mom and kids pictures....and there will be one more!!! Like I told my best friend today, I'm trying to NOT anticipate my due date too much. This has been something we've wanted for so long and now that we finally have it I want to ENJOY every second of it! Especially the icky ones! This very well could be our last pregnancy also. We won't do what we did this last time to get pregnant again. If it is God's will for us to have more kids, He will make it happen. If not, then that's is OK too.

My hubby has been GREAT and very supportive. I've really been slacking in my "job" lately. He does his job during the day, comes home and helps with dinner and dishes and kids. I've promised him that his lovely wife will return soon. I would like us to have maybe a couple of dates between now and the time baby gets here. Mostly because since I'm nursing baby will always be with me for the next year after it gets here.

I'm looking forward to next week. Lots of things to keep me busy! It will either kill me or do a world of good for me! I find when I have other things to focus on the woozies and sleepies aren't as bad. There will defiantly be plenty to focus on next week!


Becky said...

Hi Becky,

I stumbled across your blog through Mississippi Girl's blog and was going to glance through and then click on by (you know how it is with being efficient with one's computer time!) when your name (I'm a Becky too) caught my eye, then your age (I'm also 29), and then your fertility struggles (we're still trying for #1) all stopped me short and then I just HAD to read more!
Just wanted to introduce myself, invite you to visit my own blog, and hopefully we can "talk" for real one day!

So glad I ran into your blog!

CJ said...

It sounds like life around your place is similiar to life around here, minus the pregnancy! I'm still not adjusted to the new schedule and I know I'm going to regret getting the girls up at an earlier time when the weekend rolls around! Is it Saturday yet?!?!

Life With All Boys said...

My hubby was amazing too when I was pregnant the 3rd time. I was SOOO sick in the beginning I don't think the older boys would have ever gotten dinner or showered or any attention if it wasn't for him. Not to mention dishes being washed. That was a HUGE one for me!!!

Anonymous said...

Gosh! Considering how painful Mother's Day was for me this year, it's surprising that I hadn't even thought of next years until you mentioned it. What a thought!

Anonymous said...

HI Becky,

Thank you for dropping by my blog :) Congratulations on your little one, that is so exciting :)

My hubby was great with my pregnancies too, glad yours is also supportive and helpful :)

Are you having a boy or a girl?

Well just wanted to stop by and say hi, come back and see me anytime :)

I'm adding you to my blogroll if that's ok? I'll be back to visit every morning or whenever there's a new post LOL

Have a great day,

Jenn said...

Glad you're doing good. Hope next week is good for you!