Wednesday, December 17, 2008

16 Random Things About Me

1. Jesus is my Rock. It's been a long road, but I wouldn't be where I am today without my acceptance of His love and grace for me.

2. I was attracted to Chad the first time I saw him. Chad and I "met" through a mutual friend almost 14 years ago. The three of us shared a class my sophomore year of college. Chad walked in, kicked his friend's chair (who was sitting next to me) and said, "Hey Dumb ass....thanks for saving me a seat!" We were dating a month later.

3. I worked for a TV station for 7 years and LOVED IT. I was good at what I did, I felt important and had worked hard to keep "moving up" At the time it was my dream job. That lifestyle and the choices I made almost cost me my precious family. I no longer recognize the person I was then.

4. Deciding to stay home with our children has been one of the best decisions I've ever made. I was not a good wife or mom when I worked (some women are and can be, I am not one of those women) I never thought I would love being a wife and mom as much as I do.

5. I love that I have all boys. It would bother me when people would ask if I was having another baby to try to get a girl. I knew when I was in the delivery room with Lucas that I wanted at least one more baby and it had NOTHING to do with "trying for a girl" I just had a heart for more children.

6. If it wasn't so hard for me, I might want one more baby. But I am so grateful to have the 3 loves that I do have. The struggles I had have made me appreciate my children, my body and the process of conception in a way I might not have before.

7. I'm very proud that I went back to college after having Matthew and got my degree. It's something no one can ever take away from me.

8. I have discovered that I have a heart for youth ministry and missions

9. I love food. I love to cook new things. I love to cook for other people. It makes me feel good when people actually enjoy what I cook. I love to go to restaurants. I will eat or try most anything. I'm amazed I don't weigh 500 pounds.

10. If you touch or tickle my feet I can not be held responsible for what harm I may do to you. I HATE being bare foot. If I come to your house and forget to take my shoes off it's not because I'm being rude or trying to track in yuck into your home....I'm just so use to always having something more than socks on my feet.

11. I love music. The past several years I've been listening to Contemporary Christian music. But I also really enjoy Classic Rock, Disco, Cheesy music that reminds me of my Jr. high/high school days, Broadway musicals and lots of other stuff.....I have little respect for most of the music that is mainstream these days.

12. My favorite time of the day is when everyone comes home at the end of their days.

13. I love taking vacations with my husband and children. I will spend money on a vacation over just about ANYTHING else. I think that the memories and the precious time spent together is priceless and will be cherished much more by everyone than by a bigger house or a newer car.

14. I love sleep. It's really a recreation for me....I'm seriously one of those people who NEEDS more than 8 hours to function. But who gets that??? So I usually treat myself to one or two naps a week to make up for that...usually the weekends.

15. Coffee is my morning fuel. And it needs to be SWEET. LOTS OF CREAMER. I wish Coffee mate made Peppermint Mocha ALL YEAR LONG!!!!

16. In 2009 I will be beginning the candidacy process for ordained ministry in the United Methodist Church. My tentative plan is to begin seminary in 2012 (when Samuel starts kindergarten) There are lots of steps to do prior (during and after!!!!) to that so I'm starting now.

If you're reading this consider yourself tagged!!!!! :)


Sarah said...

You're a posting fiend! I haven't even finished your sermon yet.

In my defense, I usually only check blogs on my break from work and avoid the computer like the plague otherwise, so know I'm not a remedial reader.

Sarah said...

But apparently I am a remedial speller.

Sarah said...

Or, I just that have remedial grammar.

I'll quit stalking your blog now.

Sarah said...

for crying out loud.






Becky said...

HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sarah, I love you!!!!! :)

jen said...

Ordination and seminary with a family of 5....Only a woman answering the call of God could do it! :) Good for you Becky!!