I know, I know...this is late...by two weeks. This letter has been floating around in my head and I just haven't taken the time to sit down and write it.
Just before your 9th birthday we reflected and remembered those who died on September 11th 10 years ago. I remember how my life was 10 years ago; how I felt that everything in my life and my country were falling apart. Then one year and 5 days later there you were in my arms. You are the visible reminder of hope, rebirth, grace and love in my life.
And you're a pretty cool kid on top of that! You have a heart for blessing others. It's natural for you. You think of others before you think of yourself. For your birthday party this year you wanted to go to the park so that your cousins had someplace to play. You have enjoyed baking cakes for your brothers this past year for their birthdays. Last Christmas you wrapped up one of your old toys and placed it under the tree for Little Dude to have. You have this way about being able to find lost things that is almost funny. If something is missing, you can usually locate it. You also are able to understand what Little Dude is saying when I can't.
You are a loyal friend and really love spending time with those friends who are your close buddies. It warmed my mama heart to hear how you sat with one of your friends the other day on the playground after he got hurt.
In addition to your school buddies you are also very good friends with your cousin who is 5 weeks older than you
You are such a good big brother to Little Dude. You are patient and kind and the two of you have so much fun together. He really loves you and looks up to you. I pray that one day you and The Boy can be friends. I think you are just trying to figure that relationship out and aren't sure how. I celebrate the times that the two of you play games or build together.
This past year you rode your first roller coaster at Disney World, played baseball, advanced to a higher level of swimming, and are playing fall soccer right now. You have taking a liking to playing games, but have a funny way of playing. In the game Dominion that we like to play you never try to win but try to either earn the most money or have the fewest points.
If I had a magic wand I would make it so that school wasn't so hard for you. It's hard to see you struggle; hard to make you do homework when you come home; hard to see you get upset about it. So, we will keep on preserving in the best way that we can because it has to be done. I know that when you put your mind to something, you will work hard and diligently. I know that God has amazing plans for you.
I saw a glimpse of a leader last Sunday in Sunday School as you sang loud as we practiced a song and as you re-told the story we were learning about. I shared how proud I was of you for doing that and will continue to encourage your leadership and faith in church, in the home and at school.
Micah 6:8 says, "and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?You, my darling boy, live this verse. You seek what is right, you show love and kindness to others and you are humble in your faith. I'm so proud of who you are and all that you do.
I look forward to watching you grow, learn and serve in this coming year...next stop: double digits! But this mama isn't rushing a thing!
I love you!!!! Happy Birthday!